Suzi Swartz
Photo Credit: Holly Kapinos,

I’m a thirty-something writer, traveler, coffee lover, bookworm, language nerd, vegetarian, recent history PhD, and full-time professional. Phew! I also have a serious case of Wanderlust, but it’s not just about wanting to pack a bag and take off for a faraway place halfway around the world. For me, Wanderlust is bigger than that: it’s the ongoing need to explore new things, learn, and accept new challenges to grow as a person. I’ve worn many hats over the past decade or so (and am currently wearing about three), and am blessed and cursed with a perpetual case of what they call “itchy feet.” In the midst of these new adventures and goals, I have to remember to stop and appreciate the small stuff. And guess what? You should, too. So whatever hat(s) you are currently wearing, however great your own Wanderlust, I hope you can find something here that you can relate to.
