Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
Random Coffee-Fueled Musings Self-Care

How the “Coffee Walk” Became a Pandemic Go-To Recharge Activity

Saturday morning, ten o’clock. The sun is shining, the air is just the right amount of crisp with the promise of warmth later on, and …

Confessions of a History Grad Student Self-Care

How Fighting Impostor Syndrome Has Made Me a Stronger Person

I walked into the classroom full of first-day-of-school optimism, shiny new notebook in one hand, water bottle in another. Ready to take on my History …

Confessions of a History Grad Student Self-Care Writing Advice

How the Pomodoro Technique Saved My Productivity and Helped me as a Writer

I was an overwhelmed graduate student when I first heard of the Pomodoro Technique, sometimes also called the Pomodoro method. In Italian, the word pomodoro …

Random Coffee-Fueled Musings Self-Care

Why I Stopped Glorifying Being Busy & Burned Out

“How are you?” “Busy.” I’m so busy. Three powerful, tiny words. Three destructive words. Three words that burned me out, that hurt my mental health, …